WTS 79 TEMP : items: 65 yellow axe +15 stoned 70 yellow hammer 1h +15 stoned 75 yellow axe 1h +15 stoned 70 yellow sword +10 +15 yellow lvl 50 shield +15 60 orange shield *max melee atk speed and 200 str ones* +12 40 shield +12 38 shield +9 60 1h hammer 50,59,65, and 70 relic with -100% magic damage reduce 75 purple relic for temps +13 65 yellow shield temp lega stoned fully +15 75 pvp set fully stoned +15 all talents are level 4 and 3 6 ancient talents maxed masteries except few Yellow ultimate energy (citrus xtal) x 53 Emerald ulti energy x 65 crimson ulti x 16 all skills upgraded inventory with size 134 slot tons of mana and hp pots 2 cbms 151 items in archive and tons of costumes lots of fames are done. Stats: Hp: 37k Def : 10k Atk : 10k m def: 6.5k pm me on my skype or Facebook. skype: mohamed.elsayed.star, name is "Mohamed" Facebook.: Security Check Required