Selling Rise of Mythos account

Discussion in 'Rise of Mythos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 1/5/16.

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  1. Games

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    wana sell my Rise of Mythos account.

    473k silver!
    26k crystal
    877 gold!

    vip 3 status!

    80+ purple card
    much more blue and lower quality card

    guild in the top 30 on the server

    server is US Shimmering Cave

    charakter lvl is 46

    many material for craft cards and enchant your gear

    i wana sell this account because i move to eu server and dont
    have time for 2 account

    price is : 50 usd
    you can pay on paypal

    if have any question find me on :
    skype or e-mail : [email protected]

    Screenshot by Lightshot
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