Selling for 600$ price may be # if you make me laugh (Via Paypal is my prefered option) contact me via skype byron.ford2 or email [email protected] Vip 10 in this game cost $5,000 vip 7 cost 625$ so getting both these account knowing i spent well over 10,000 between them 600$ is a great deal I'm just tired of the game Is Level 70 VIP 10 on server Hazy Marshes easily can get rank 1 with the account Hazy server is about a year and a half old. Has skill set for all classes has over 10 awakens including Boss Ragnar battle abbess 2 elven rebels 2 elven legionaire and more has 1 fire ruby and tons of Godlikes including 2 maias, Mif, Ferena drake, Volante Voidstep, Zues, Odin, Khnum, The Wheel, Tarsis, Diablos, Varkus, the list goes on and on Is Level 58 Vip 7 on Cloud Atlas Has recieved rank 1 in 1v1 and 2v2 last 2 seasons and has 4 Champion packs to reopen server is about 7 months old Main class mage has 3 djinns awaken elven rebels godlike maximus and gabriel and godlike varkus **** ton of legends. 2 fire rubies to make more godlikes Contact me and let me know was up again contact me via skype byron.ford2 or email [email protected]