Selling Selling level 130 pure warrior on Nature-Tornado server

Discussion in 'Conquer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 1/5/16.

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  1. Games

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    I am selling my level 130 2nd reborn warrior-warrior-warrior simply because I'm just tired of the game. He has all super gears except the star tower which is elite 1 soc +4 and riding crop which is elite +5 damage -1. The headband, necklace, ring and armor are super 1 socket +4-+5, but the boots are just super +4. His heaven fan is super, 2 socket +5. A magical bottle, +5 steed, and inferno tiger mount armor is also included. Now onto weapons, he has a super 2 socket +7 spear, super 2 socket +4 shield, and super 2 socket +5 wand. Everything that has a dragon soul on it is just temporary and not permanent. His chi is pretty good mostly +attack and health on each one, and he has a score of 6,170 in jiang hu. He also comes with knight rank and vip 3.
    I'm looking for around 150-200, plus I'll throw in a 1st reborn level 127 archer-archer
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