Sold [USA-VA] [H]Paypal [W] Final Fantasy VII Reunion for PS5 with steelbook

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Solemn_Tactician, 12/14/22.

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  1. /u/Solemn_Tactician

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    Open to getting the switch steelbook version but prioritizing PS5 My budget for the game+steelbook is around $80

    Also wasn’t sure if it’s allowed but I’m also looking for art prints (preferably signed by their respective artists) of game characters from Final Fantasy, Persona, Pokémon, Fire Emblem, overwatch and whatever else anyone may have. SFW art only please! (Sakimichan in particular is one of the artists I’m lookin for)

    Anyways thank you to everyone that comes across my post!

    # #/Solemn_Tactician
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