Selling Global Summoner War 8 nat 5, almost all 4 star/Soul Seeker 16 six star +10 Lana Sion Top 20% Arena

Discussion in 'Soul Seeker Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Will Wang, 1/2/16.

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  1. Will Wang

    Will Wang
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    Summoners War
    Great Fire &Wind combo team Account
    nat 5: 2 fire archangel, wind occult girl, fire beast monk, wind hell lady, wind polar queen, veromos, water pheonix
    nat 4: almost all nat 4, mainstream one such as: 5 fire vampire, 4 costumed water/wind sylph, Chloe, Wind/fire Death knight, fire/water fox, Lushe, Hua ...more
    nat 3: Runed bernard, Water Witch ...etc
    Auto B10 Giant and Dragon
    Many good runes
    Some Evolve material and Devilmon left
    2500+ Red crystal and 200K+ Blue crytal left
    Soul Seeker
    lv 49
    15+ 6 star
    +10 Lana
    +6 Ciel/Deborah/Idris/Zebram
    other 6 star include: Sion/Freya/Humba/Baldur/Ifrita/Zelga and more
    many 5 star and 4 star
    lots of power up material and 6 star items
    2000 gem left and 300 ruby
    easy top 20 percent in arena and Defense

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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