Selling Account LVL 88 - VIP 5 - 40k Gold - 400 Diamonds -

Discussion in 'Heroes Charge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Orphen, 12/28/15.

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  1. Orphen

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    Likes Received:
    - Level 88
    - VIP 5 (1500 / 2000)
    - 40k Gold
    - 400 Diamonds

    Team EXP (19 662 / 27 583)
    Server 116 (Kieran Sterrag)

    65 Heroes:

    5 Star Heroes:
    Ember Blade (88 - O+1), Frost Mage (88 - O), Machinst (88 - O), Ninja Assassin (88 - O), Death Bringer (88 - O), Queen of Curse (88 - O), Commander (88 - 0), Lunar Guardian (88 - V+4), Old Curse (88 - V+4), Commando (88 - V+4), Cloud Walker (88 - V+4), Death Mage (88 - V+4), Fallen Dominion (88 - V+4), Chaplain (88 - V+4), Admiral (87 - O), Vanguard Warrior (87 - V+4), Arcane Supper (87 - V+4), Dwarf Warrior (87 - V+4), Phoenix (83 - V+4), Crossed Knight (82 - V+3), Emberstar (80 - V+4), Psychopath (79 - V+3), Iron Hoof (73 - V+2), Cleric (68 - V+1), Shadow Leaf (67 - V+1), Mystic (66 - V+1), Wind Master (60 - V+1), Rifleman (44 - B+2), Shallows Keeper (43 - B+2), Lightning Master (38 - B+1), Light Bringer (38 - B+1), Sniper (36 - B), Enchantress (1 - G), Manipulator (1 - G).

    4 Star Heroes:
    Nature Storm(70 - V+2), Shadow Shaman (68 - V+1), Master Mage (39 - B+1), Wandering Spearman (1 - G), Warrior Monk (1 - G), Scorpion Queen (1 - G).

    3 Star Heroes:
    Tusked Storm, Ghost Musician, War Chief, Wizard Doctor, Succubus, Imperial Executioner, Death Knight, Brute, Psychic Sword, Pilot, Ice Mage, Bear Warrior, Lightning Elemental, Vengeance Spirit, Depths Voice, Poisoned One, Desert Lycan, Drunken Master.

    2 Star Heroes:
    Forest Guardian, Savege One, Silencer (48/50 stones), Mountain, Dangeon Keeper.

    Price: 100€ / 109,724$

    Contact me for screenshots or other information at:

    [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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