Selling Selling Castle: LVL21 and 19 KINGDOM [554] Lord...

Discussion in 'Clash of Kings Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rv John, 12/23/15.

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  1. Rv John

    Rv John
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    Selling Castle: LVL21 and 19 KINGDOM [554] Lord Level: 31 and up Both VIP 8 Castle 21 close to VIP 9 Power:Castlelvl21-1.5M/Castlelvl 19-1.2M Castle 21 is ready for upgrade Castle 21: Barracks = 21 Lv Range = 21 Lv Stables =21 Lv Siege Eng = 21 Lv Walls:21 Castle 19 Barracks = 19 Lv Range = 19 Lv Stables = 19 Lv Siege Eng = 19 Lv Castle 21: Drill Grounds = 21 Lv Hospital capacity is 80k In the Top1 clan of [554] both accounts. Troops:Both Have 200K troops and above. Payment Via Paypal Email me: [email protected]
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