The # includes: weapon magnet (teleports every weapon within 1000m to you), item magnet, no buildings (wallhack), player ESP, item ESP, speedhack and random animations. SKYPE: denisnefediev Weapon magnet and Speedhack is kinda not working at the moment When you buy, i send a .rar file, just extract that and open "INSRUCTIONS" and its pretty stright forward from there. If you need help with the injection, feel free to message me On skype I will show proof via screenshare The reason for the pricing being so high is when I sell cheap, more people buy the #, but with highger pricing less people are willing to buy - making the # harder for Battleye to detect - dont let the pricing worry you, would you rather pay £20 for a # that wont get you banned, or pay say £10 for a # and get banned, buy new dayz coming to £30? You do the maths! PRICING: £20 / $30 / 27€ I DO ACCEPT CSGO SKINS, BUT THEY MUST BE WORTH 10$ MORE THAN THE PRICE OF THE #