Selling Heroes Of Newerth Account

Discussion in 'Heroes of Newerth Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Eviscerat3, 12/25/15.

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  1. Eviscerat3

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    Account includes: 1700 mmr account with 5 ultimate avatars, 2 announcers, tons of gold, limited, holiday, plinko edition and common avatars, a grant total of 150+ avatars or more (will check and double confirm if i have buyers). Only selling to Malaysians who live within the main city which is Kuala Lumpur face to face preferred. Not selling anywhere else due to trust issues between both parties obviously you won't trust me and i wont trust you as well. Well you get the picture.

    Reason: The reason why im selling this account is because im quitting HoN for good and moving to pursue my professional career in Dota 2, thats it. Interested? You can contact me with the details below

    Whatsapp: 0143228673
    Facebook.: Security Check Required

    Thank you and have a nice day.
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