Selling Xbox one 318 Lock 300 Titan ,Spindle/Malice and all raid armour and weapons

Discussion in 'Destiny Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by Jamie_do, 12/20/15.

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  1. Jamie_do

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    Selling my Xbox Live account - $700 ono

    Account still has 11 months until it needs to be renewed.

    Games on account-

    Destiny -

    Characters- 318 warlock, 300 Titan, Have enough armour to make another 315+ warlock

    Warlock has beaten all raids and challenges, and completed all of the missions.

    Primary Weapons- 320 Harrowed Smite of Merian , 310 Touch of malice, 310 hawkmoon, 310 Monte Carlo, 310 Hardlife, 306 Zaouli's bane, 307 Hung Jury,

    Secondary Weapons- 316+315+300 Harrowed silence of A'arn, 315 +310 Harrowed defiance of yasmin, 310 Black Spindle, 310 Hereafter, 307 1000-yard stare, 306+304 Conspiracy theory-D, 304 Tua Hua Yuan, 302 Midhas Reckoning

    Heavy Weapon- 320+312+310+306+304+302 Harrowed Elulims Frenzy, 314 Harrowed Qullims Terminus, 307 Sols Edge(Sword), 305 The smoldering, 300 Barons Ambition

    Some of inventory- 9 exotic shard, 35 moldering shards, 129 strange coins, 480 mote of lights , 31 reciprocal runes, 6 antiquated runes, stolen runes, 3 glass needles

    Consumables- 410 Heavy packs, 19 three of coins, 50 secondary packs

    Ships- Agonarch Karve, Kingslayer BKR, Hildian Seeker, Vienna Singer, Bane of dark gods

    In the vault I have 31 exotic weapons

    290 Thinderlord, 280 Monte Carlo, 290 Hawkmoon, 290 Hereafter, 290 Telesto,280 Zhalo Supercell, Thorn, Truth, x2 Dragon Breath, x3 Gallarhorn, The last word, Ice Breaker, Lord of Wolves, Plan C, x2 Truth, Ice Breaker, x3 Suros Regime, Vex Mythoclast, Universal Remote, No Land Beyond, MIDA Multi-Tool, Pocket Infinity, Bad Juju,Thorn

    I also have 10 exotic Armour pieces in the vault some of which are for a Hunter

    Alot if hours have gone into this account and you will really see that when going through the characters items.
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