Selling  Level 120+  Total Level 2000-2500 IM Max Melee Main|2030+Total|270+QP|100M+Bank|99 Range|96 Mage|80 Pray|92 Slay|87 Herb [ChicksW137]

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Chicks, 12/8/22.

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  1. Chicks

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    Combat Level: 123
    Total Level: 2030+
    Quest Points: 270+
    Featured Quest: DS2, MM2, SotF, SotE
    Featured Items: Firecape, Dragon Defender, B Gloves, Rune Pouch, Abyssal Tentacle, Torso, Arclight, Ava's Assembler, Salve amulet (ei), Slayer helmet (i). Gem Bag, Herb Sack, Plank Sack, Bruma Torch, Bottomless Compost Bucket, Barrow's Gear, Berserker Ring (i), Toxic Blowpipe, Trident of the Swamp, Bond x13, Trident of the Seas, Frozen Abyssal Whip, Dwarf Multicannon
    Skilling Outfits: Graceful, Prospector, Angler, Carpenter's
    Pets: Rock Golem, Zulrah

    If you'd like more information regarding this account, just send us a message!

    IMPORTANT: Please do not contact Jagex as they will disable the account due to the IP change.

    We are not responsible for any problems caused by attempting to remove the ironman status from the account. Attempting to remove the ironman status can result in the account being locked or banned. Attempting to remove the ironman status will result in invalidating any insurance you have with us




    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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