After gaining a few pounds over the last year, I've decided to give the game up, regrettably, and opt for something a bit more active - looking to trade my account for an Apple Watch to satisfy my geeky desires and motivate me to get up and move! Playing MCOC while working out is not advised! I've spent a lot of time and money in this game and the profile shows it. I've also been around long enough to know that people spend way more than I'm asking to get much less guarantee of success. If you're wasting money on crystals to get a good team -- stop now and take me up on this offer. respond with your email address and I will contact you directly. 5* @ 1/25 Juggernaut 4* @ 4/40: Captain America (sig 20) Winter Soldier (sig 40) Star-Lord (sig 20) Drax (sig 3) Ultron Gamora 4* @ 3/30 Electro (sig 20) Hulk buster (sig 20) Ironman (sig 20) Superior Ironman Ms. Marvel Captain Marvel Colossus Unstoppable Colossus Punisher Ant-Man Magic Hawkeye 21 - 3* at 4/40 -- 20 of them are duped. 21 - 3* at either 1/10, 2/20, or 3/30, 10 of them duped. 35 - 2* at 1/1, all but one duped 6 - 1* champs other stats: pop wins: 17,817 highest pop streak: 243 summoner level: 53 current alliance rating: over 3 million, very active other details: *will accept used 42mm apple watch in any style/color in any working condition (within reason) or equiv. cash/apple store gift card. *I've blurred out my name and alliance name to protect myself from scrutiny. *selling MCOC account is contrary to Kabam terms of service - buyer assumes all risk.
Sure. Instead of $399USD in Apple Store gift cards, I'll take $350USD or a used Apple Watch. I think you can find one on eBay for less than that.
I can actually work with the apple watch. Could you message me so we can speak about arrangements on this?
Sorry - $350 firm or watch. If you spend $350 in game, you'd be incredibly disappointed in the return. This is a sure thing, and I earned it. Not selling myself short.