Hello, for sale is a account on Landroval server. The account has ONLY female characters and was my wife's. Account characters: Level 100: Main - Champion: All Dol Amroth armour, 5 Gold Dps Helms deep jewellery pieces, rest teal drops. Character stats: 13890 morale, 5565 Might, 2454 Vitality, 17488 critical rating, 61500 physical mastery. ALT Characters Level 100: Hunter: Level 85: Warden: level 95: Captain: Level 95:Rune-Keeper: Level 95: Burglar: level 96: Minstrel Account details: Helms deep expansion, riders of rohan, moria, mirkwood. Some other quest packs, but none of gondors or anorien. Gold: 3000 on Champion character. Perks: New characters start with the following: 78% mount speed, riding skill, 5 tomes of extraordinary XP, Shield of the hammerhand and outriders token. There's also 237 Mithril coins. Price: £50 - 85$ - 80 Euro.
STILL FOR SALE: Price for this account is now only £40. Please feel free to leave a message regarding any interest or questions that you may have. Thank you for looking!