Selling  Trading  Average  2016 ROBLOX ACCOUNT WITH SOME TOYCODES

Discussion in 'Roblox Accounts for Sale - Buy / Sell Roblox Account' started by Vretuh, 12/3/22.

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  1. Vretuh

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    HELLO, this is my first time selling a account so idk how much i can get so...
    Im selling my roblox account or trading it cause i want start over, with a different account. It contains a few toycodes a good ones like Mixologist's face and tailslide, and a bunch of gamepass (like mm2 or KAT), it contain some items in KAT btw.
    and contain the most of the animations,(and contains the emote of 1k rbx) contain a bunch of clothing made by me :D, contains like 30k of rbx expend this year (i think i spend like 60k~ in total)..
    4.png 1599228-0ccd5608dbb7566aeccd8beca70514de.png 1.png 2.png
    ok im trying to trade it for like 150-125$ in roblox giftcards (like 50$ x2+ 25$ x1 or 25$ x5)
    add me to disco if u want to offer : Mush#9555
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