EPIC GAMES OG USERNAMES FOR SALE 3 letter/ clean names , BOX M16 for sale

Discussion in 'Epic Games Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Persuasive, 11/30/22.

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  1. Persuasive

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    • Selling OG Names/3 letters , most are clean 3 letters! accounts " BOX" , "M16" are for sale .DM For full list! ,OG's in total are 23 Epic games accs and 12 of them are 3 letters . Reasonable prices DM on Discord Persuasive#8755

    • Also selling other neat OG's with some Greek letters . some of which are " WEED" , "EMINEM" , "NINJA" . and more .. DM FOR full list

    • trying to get rid of these OG's , I just remembered i had the list recently(made the accs at he beginning of fortnite) , so willing to sell for reasonable prices :)
    Discord= Persuasive#5455(I can send ss and whatever you want for proof , Emails included for all accounts)
    OG names.png
    #1 Persuasive, 11/30/22
    Last edited: 12/5/22
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