Maih Characters Faction: Galactic Republic Main Characters Equipment: 6 - Best Possible Equipment (Fully Geared) Main Characters Equipment (Describe): Full Rakata Tank set PvE , Rakata/Columi dos PvE set and a Full Battlemaster dps PvP set Select the number of characters over Level 20: All Mounts (Describe): Many mounts including rare ones such as black Desler which drops off of HM/NiM KP, the valor 65 PVP mount and the valor 50 mount plus about 20 other random mountd All Professions (Describe): Biochem 400 Bioanalysis 400 Underworld trading 400 plus a love you load if mats All Assets (Describe): I have about 30 titles uncluding rare ones such as Infernal, Battlemaster and War Hero Additional Information Price is # , for proof if everything I have said , I can show u in-game Total Credits 6500000