Selling Selling Ranger 1-Star Officer Na-Siel-Asmo and...

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Danijel Pavlović, 11/24/15.

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  1. Danijel Pavlović

    Danijel Pavlović
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    Selling Ranger 1-Star Officer Na-Siel-Asmo and Temp 65 on acc Gear: Eternal Bastion Bow +15 (Manastones compo: crit 17/attack2) Combine, Shephard bow (manastones compo: attack 5 / crit 8) Gold Silance Godstone Full Shephard Armor set +13 (manastones: compo attack +5 / crit +8 ) Mythic pvp wings : Special Elite Amabasador Divine Wings Myhtic Kunax pvp neck +1 Mythic Kunax pvp ring +1 Rest are Blood Mark pvp acc's PVE: Hyperion mythic bow +10 Hyperion Chest, Pants,Boots,Glover, Lunatic Modor Tier 1 6slot Shoulders. Hyperion Neck and Earring Mythic Eternal Bastion Hat Stigmas: (normal stigmas that give vision) Has all 3 vision stigmas unlocks Lightning Arrow Agonizing Arrow Focused Shot Bow of Blesing Nature's Resolve Heart Shot Gale Arrow Explosive Arrow Sharpen Arrows Skybound Trap Dilation Arrow Hunters Might Arrow Delug Items: Gold Para Godstone 374x Crusader Toakens 2071 Blood Marks 152 Ceranium Medals 267mil Kinah
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  2. OP
    George Rosos

    George Rosos
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    WTT ACCOUNT Nexus asmo {SM} have full set ap +13 rank1 manast MB-MA/MR angry hyperion book combine with AP army 2 book---- beritra orb combine with bm 3 kunax ac and other bm 4parts Enreaged hyperion pve with orb {Gladi} have rune tribe spear with combine bm and one kunax and bm armor accessory {Cleric} Have bm armor accessory Staff runetribe Have 200Ceranium MEdals 1kk ap Templar have some parts mythik and eternal pve set all chars have medals ap for more info send message i want trade for Elyos Side Nexus-Perento-Zubaba account or i can Sell for 2bill kinah in game Perento elyos side OR i can Sell for 100 Euros {payment Paysafe}
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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