WTT ACCOUNT Nexus asmo {SM} have full set ap +13 rank1 manast MB-MA/MR angry hyperion book combine with AP army 2 book---- beritra orb combine with bm 3 kunax ac and other bm 4parts Enreaged hyperion pve with orb {Gladi} have rune tribe spear with combine bm and one kunax and bm armor accessory {Cleric} Have bm armor accessory Staff runetribe Have 200Ceranium MEdals 1kk ap Templar have some parts mythik and eternal pve set all chars have medals ap for more info send message i want trade for Elyos Side Nexus-Perento-Zubaba account or i can Sell for 2bill kinah in game Perento elyos side OR i can Sell for 100 Euros {payment Paysafe}