Selling WTS Geared RANGER>NA TIAMAT RANK:elyos 3 star...

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Menho Yawe, 11/25/15.

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  1. Menho Yawe

    Menho Yawe
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    WTS Geared RANGER>NA TIAMAT RANK:elyos 3 star officer Bonus toon: Level65 Sin that can pull a DPS of 3.2k in Infinity Shard. -x403 Extra Ceramium Medals -Master Alchemist PVP SET: (full compo) EB bow +15 with gold para and full Crit+17/magic+7 acc Composites +10 ( x3 attack+5/crit +7 and x3 attack+5/crit+8) +12 (full MA+14/crit+8) +15 (full MA+14/Crit +8) +10 (full crit+17/ma+7) +7 (x4 MA+14/CRit+8 and x2 attack +5/crit+7) *PVP ACCESSORIES x2 x2 PVE set:1 full mythic EB armor 5/5 socketed with crit and attack PVE set 2: 6/6 Enraged Hyperion Set IS bow +13 PVE accessories: 3/3 mythic IS accessories 1 mythic sauro earring 1 mythic sauro ring Extra Eternal Bastion bow,Lunatic Modor Bow(both non upgraded)and other stuffs. account comes with original email 100% ownership guaranteed! PM me if interested $220.. mail: [email protected] or pm me through here
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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