Selling "WTS/T rr100 female KOTBS ""Hello all" I am...

Discussion in 'Warhammer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/27/13.

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  1. League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    "WTS/T rr100 female KOTBS ""Hello all" I am looking to sell a nice account with both progression packs and booster pet. rr100 female Knight of the Blazing Sun - EU server 2/5 WF 3/5 DF 8/8 Sov (def) - slotted with 23 and 24 toughnes 8/8 Sov (off) - slotted with Kamenra and STR 2 glyphs rr98 Exalted Titans Claymore Only on Invader SC insignia cycle. Overall nice account with alot of wounds and surviability - aswell as lots of space to progress with. (WFs Will let go cheap. PM with questions! Willing to trade for SM "WTS 100 Slayer ""100 Slayer on Gorfang" Full Off. and Def. WF Full Off. and Def. DF Full lower sets Melee pocket absorb RR 98 2h axe Multiple RR 95 1h axes On royal insigs for scen. weapons Tons of extras. This guy is a beast and I hate to let him go "RP 89 on Karak Norn ""RP 89 on Karak Norn " Full Healing Sov Full Tyrants Royal Staff 3/5 TOVL Glyphs 500g" "WTS WH 99rr on Karak Norn ""WH 99rr on Karak Norn " SOV OFF 8/8 DF 4/5 WF 1/5 SCAV 200/TALI/200 2xWeapons 95rr 1000 gold DPS Cap 99rr DPS Belt 98rr Rvr Pack + Progresion Pack included Secret Q/A PM me with offers" "WTT: rr80 slayer + rr70+ dok + rr70 black orc acc ""WTT this acc with rr80 slayer rr70+ dok rr70+ black orc" 1.5k gold + total rvr pack and a very nice secret wich i only tell in pm I only trade for a rr90+ black orc PM me if interested. Only serieus ppl i reconize scammers from far" "WTS rr100 AM ""Hello everyone" Selling a nice fun2play AM toon on Karak Norn.. rr100 AM female on Karak Norn 4/5 DF healing 8/8 Sov healing and DPS rr98 Exalted Apostles staff for healing specc (very nice with toughness spec) Bugged LOTD staff with 130 Magic power and 10% crit for insane DPS specc. Also a big collection of rare and very rare belts/cloaks etc. GameTagcom - Buy and Sell Warhammer Accounts and Warhammer Online Characters
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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