Selling "Selling Chosen 91 rr on Karak Norn ""Sale chosen...

Discussion in 'Warhammer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/27/13.

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  1. League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    "Selling Chosen 91 rr on Karak Norn ""Sale chosen the well-known character on Karak Norn server:" Armor: 5 pieces offensive Weapons: 91 rr 2h Doomflayer dps sword Pockets: Golden Eze of Rah-Nitt 3500 Absorbs up to 3515 melee damage for 20 seconds Emblems Appearance: Mantle of the Fireborn Profession: Magical Salvaging 200 Contact me via forum pm PRICE: 220 US Dollar or 150 euro" "WTS RR84 shaman +MANY alts ""This is a headstart account with all the trimmings. Gorfang Server." Shaman Gear includes Full healing Sov 5/8 DPS sov 5/6 Tyrant 5/5 Glyph RR81 Staff Single and Double Aegis 80k+ rvr kills The account also has lvl 40 BO Theres alot on this account that i havent mention Looking to get $130 out of the account "WTS WE rr90, zealot rr78 ""WE rr90" I want to sell WE rr90 + zealot rr78 WE: #NAME? -3 pieces df def set #NAME? -2x rr90 weapon -3 tovl glyphs #NAME? Zealot: #NAME? #NAME? -3 tovl glyphs+ back -2x rr75 weapon PM me serious offers." "wts 73 zealot ""wts 73 zealot" 1piece glyph lotd cloak set 2 piece tyrant full dps & heal worn sove full sove cheap price pm offers" "WTS/WTT WP RR91 (50%) on KN ""Active sub" #NAME? - SC weapons: RR90 2h #NAME? Selling for 300usd via PayPal or trading for DOK Thanks... Willing to get back to destro side" "Kotbs/AM/BW lowbie account for 35$ ""RR48 Kotbs / RR50 AM / rr58 BW" The toons have the basics a RR45-60 toons should have (sentinel/DP/Invader) AM and BW on Azgal. Kotbs on Gorfang. Account has the progressive packs enabled 35$ paypal takes it. GameTagcom - Buy and Sell Warhammer Accounts and Warhammer Online Characters
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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