Selling Has all weapons in game which are useable by...

Discussion in 'Warhammer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/27/13.

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  1. League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    Has all weapons in game which are useable by slayer Melee Absorb pocket item Magic Absorb pocket item Anti block & parry pocket item Shroud of Kuhtep ( cleanse cloak) Shroud of Settra ( anti crit & anti armor penetration ) Has all live event masks Has early order personality & progression packs Has Aegis and Double Aegis 6k+ officer's medallion 400 conquer medallion 320+ Capt. medallion 700+ invader crest 1100+ warlord crest 350+ royal crest 100+ doomflayer crest 40+ warpforged crest 50+ golden scarabs 7 ALL GEAR & WEAPONS SLOTTED WITH +24 talismans Has a bunch of kamenras &regular odjiras & + 24 strength / weaponskill in pack. in bank Knight of the Blazing Sun Has both absorb pocket items Full sovereign ALL RR75 SC Weapons 3/5 Glyphs (including cloak) Settra Cloak Kuhtep Cloak Tons of crest lord stuff too much too list folks... AWESOME ACCOUNT!!!"" I HATE TO SELL BUT....IT HAS TO GO!!! I have all security info including Secret q/a for the master accnt. PM ME FOR OFFERS LOOKING for 400+ minimum. Thanks" "WTS multiple accounts (81 Chosen being the highest) ""I have 3 Master accounts for sale" 1st Master account: Has 5 game accounts on it Gorfang: RR81 Chosen both melee and magic pocket absorb 122 royal insigs (43 needed for Royal 1H) RR38 Shaman RR42 Choppa Badlands: RRxx KotBS There is another (currently unsubbed) game account under this Master account with 40's Gorfang: RRxx Swordmaster RRxx Archmage This account had one previous owner 2nd Master account: Has 1 game account on it with one 40. However the account has both the 1 and 2 yr cloak and aegis entitlements on it and the RvR Progression and Personality pack active Gorfang: RR30 Marauder 3rd Master account: GameTagcom - Buy and Sell Warhammer Accounts and Warhammer Online Characters
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