Selling rr 41 and 61% I am the first owner of this acc so...

Discussion in 'Warhammer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/28/13.

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  1. League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    rr 41 and 61% I am the first owner of this acc so i have the secret q/a. acc is active till 25.11.11 pm me with offers or if you have any questions." "WTS rr100 Marauder,rr 80 Chosen,rr81 Dok,rr 54 SH ( 1 2) ""Hey all!WTS : Marauder 100 rr 4 glyphs/pocket items/full off/def Warpforged gear 3 100 rr sc weapons and many many medallions talismans and other items" Also DOK 81 rr full off/def sove and Chosen 80 rr full off/def sove 4/glyphs/pocket items etc and a 40 rank 54 rr SH .All 4 characters are a talisman making factory(1 salvager & 3 scavagers).There are about 500 gold coins splited to mara and dok. Account price is 350 euros paypal.Pm for more info! Server:Karak Norn" "86 IB + ALTS EU server " "rr100 WE on EU srv! ""Hello everyone." I would like to sell a sexy WE actually on one of EU servers. rr100 female WE 5/5 DF offensive 8/8 Sov offensive 8/8 Sov defensive 2x rr98 Exalted Titans Daggers ( same quality as DF weapon) Gathering Invader SC insignia. alot of sub and booster pet pack. Plenty of space to progress with (WF Looking for something around 280$" "WTT WH 91+ for a 90+ DOK ""I got i 91 WH i wanna trade for a 90+ dok.." The WH is good geared and all is good. Just tell me fore the details ore we can meet up ingame so you can see the gear." "WTS Choppa R40(RR91.7), Chosen R40(RR86), Magus R40(RR58), Dok R40(RR58), ""WTS Choppa R40(RR91.7)" BW R40(RR62) Destro -> Karak Azgal Order -> Karak Norn #NAME? -All commercials skills 200. -1200 Gold. Sub end 08/12/2011" "[wts] archmage rr89 dps-healing gear + 1LV 40 BW - KARAK AZGAL ""server karak azgal EU" LVL 40 RR 89 2 FULL SOVEREING SET (HEALING AND DPS) 1%SPEED PET INCLUDED 4 pieces tyrant ALL Doomflayer (apart vest) ALL Warpforged (apart vest) 2 scenario rr 80+ staffs (1 healing 1 dps) 500g in bag 200 talisman making 200 salvaging + 50 bw RR 45+ (on same account) with 200 tradeskills (dont remember) send a PM to know the price" "WTS Choppa 71 / WP 78 ""Hello i'd like to sell old respected...
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