Selling both worn sov sets 3/5 off doom (missing chest and...

Discussion in 'Warhammer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 3/2/13.

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  1. League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts

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    both worn sov sets 3/5 off doom (missing chest and helm) 2/5 defensive doom (gloves and boots) ~650g 101 doomflayer crests 31 warped crests No glyph Im the second owner of the account Ill let this account go relatively cheap "wts wtt rr 91.5 WL ""hello i have a wl for sale its in 4 piece offensive doomflayer and is on 300+ doomflayer insignias towards the rr90 axe. im looking to sell it at a fair price or trade for a 90+ BW. thanks""" "RR 91BW DOOMFLAYER Gorfang server ( 1 2) ""Up for sale is my RR 91 BW" SERVER: GORFANG GEAR: 7/10 DOOMFLAYER (including off. Chest) 16/16 Sovereign RR91 Belt WEAPONS:RR 75 SC WEPS. OFF& DEF. RR81 OFF STAFF RR 90 SC OFF. DOOMFLAYER STAFF 500 WARPFORGED INSIGNIAS FOR RR 100 WEAPON. RARE ITEMS: BOTH POCKET ITEM ABSORBS MELEE & MAGIC. LOADS OF LIVE EVENT ITEMS RARE POTIONS AND MATS. 1000 GOLD ALTS: RR60 ARCH MAGE FULL WARLORD WITH BOTH SANDSTORM STAFFS FOR DPS OR HEALING AND BOTH LOTD DPS& HEAL CLOAK/ JEWEL SETS. I HAVE ALL SECRUITY Q/A FOR THE MASTER ACCNT. PM FOR ANY QUESTIONS. CAN USE MIDDLE MAN SERVICE ADDITIONAL COST IS BUYER'S RESPONSIBILITY. PM WITH BIDS. CBN" "WTS/WTT rr90 Kotbs (KN) / rr81 Chosen (KA) ""KOTBS rr91 (Karak Norn)" 4/5 Warpforged 5/5 DF (defensive) Glyps/Tyrant Full sove 16/16 rr90 shield and sword All previous gear .... Chosen rr81 (Karak Azgal) Full sove offensive Full worn sovereign defensive Full Glyps/Tyrant rr75 shield Selling for 250$ or.. Looking for a rr90+ IB / RP or a rr90 Chosen with same gear as kotbs." "WTS RR 83 Chosen RR 81 Sorc RR 70 Zealot ""Offering some Chars." All Chars on Karak Azgal RR 83 Chosen 2x Sovereign Set Glyph Set TOVL Set RR 81 SZ Weapon 4 Pieces Doomflayer 3 Pieces Warpforged RR 81 Sorc Offensive Sovereign Set 5 Pieces Defensiv Sovereign Set 3 Pieces Doomflayer 3 Pieces Warpforged TOVL Set Glyph Set RR 75 SZ Weapon RR 70 Zealot Worn Sovereign Set 5 Pieces of Sovereign TOVL Set 3 Glyphs Sz Weapons GameTagcom - Buy and Sell Warhammer Accounts and...
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