Selling rr66 BW (Bop seeds 200/200 culti apo) r40 WH WP...

Discussion in 'Warhammer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 3/4/13.

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  1. League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    rr66 BW (Bop seeds 200/200 culti apo) r40 WH WP (200/200 salv/talis) progression + vanity pack(fast mount etc) WP also has shroud of settra (if you don't know what it is 170 euro" "WTS KOTBS rr90/Chosen rr81 ""KOTBS rr90 :" Full DF Full Glyps/Tyrant Full sove 16/16 rr90 shield and sword All previous gear .... Chosen rr81 : Full sove 16/16 Full Glyps/Tyrant rr75 shield For more info PM Offers via Pm's !" "RR92 Sorcerer - Karak Norn - ""RR92 Sorcerer" 5/5 Doomflayer Full Off/Deff Sov 8/8 Both 5/5 tovl Glyphs Set Mag. Absorb pocket Akire Royal Weapon rr80 Server Karak-Norn Over 1500g Price (I Let you Offer Please) PM for More Details." "White Lion rr 86 Knight rr 80 ""Hi all" Selling rr 86 WL full sov offensive/def 1x sc rr 90 weapon 2x sc rr75 weapon 1x rr81 sc weapon 5/6 Tyran 5/5 Glyph !!!!!!!!!!! Apothecary 200. with 2 seed blue Healing power/wound and Melee power/wound Also 8 doomnflayer and 6 warpforged A lot of Token RR 80 Kotbs full sov offensive/4def 2x rr75shields 1x rr 751h weapon 5/6 tyrant 5/5 Glyph !!!!!!!!!! Account also includes rr 64 SW rr 55 AM rank 36 wp rank 33 bw 150 €" "WTB RR81+ Magus ""I understand i am placing this under the WTS section of these forums" Just as the title says Send me a pm "WTT my Rift account+wh account for WL/WH/Slayer rr87+ ""Hello" Rogue equip: prestige rank 2 Acessorie 2x Saditionist Ban Prestige rank 3: Saditionist Belt Prestige rank 4: Saditionist Shoulders He is one of most equipped rogue in server 50% for rank 5. 70k favor atm. GameTagcom - Buy and Sell Warhammer Accounts and Warhammer Online Characters
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