Selling BW is Specced for highest direct dmg atm Engi...

Discussion in 'Warhammer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 3/4/13.

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  1. League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    BW is Specced for highest direct dmg atm Engi rr80.4 Using Def Sove for rift spec Also on warlord insignias Bank Vault full with items aswell Kotbs rr71.5 Atm on Warlord insignias(soon on royal) Ready to tank in any instance Using 7/7 warlord 3 Glyps 1 Tyrant Colosus Shield also on warlord Insgnias Bank Vault full with items as well(all previous gear) Some low rr alts like : WH rr49 WP rr45 Slayer rr3x WL rr30x All charrs are on K/N server Got all packs enabled Account is not active atm Hm Only via bank transfer or if you have better way. Price 150e ++++ Cheers." "rr90 WL ""hello" rr84 doomflayer crest accesories good price. pm for any questions." "LotD Pocket Absorbs/Cloaks ""Looking to test the interest for these items. This is for Order Gorfang only. PM me if you are interested in buying." Shroud of Settra Shroud of Khutep Pocket melee absorb Pocket magic absorb Pocket magic anti disrupt" "RR82Full DPS Sov, 7/8 Heal Sov DOK. RR65 BG. R40 RR43 Choppa. Badlands ""The DoK is in full dps SoV and 7/8 Heal Sov" "WTS BW rr89 US Karak Norn HIGH-END ""Hello all" US FLAGGED KARAK NORN BRIGHT WIZARD RR 89 [WARPFORGE] 4p offensive (missing chest) [DOOMFLAYER] 4p offensive (missing chest) [SOVEREIGN] 8 offensive (all sloted +24s) [TYRANT] 2/5 [GLYPHS] 2/5 (working on 3rd) [SC WEAPONS] RR75 offensive staff [OTHER WEAPONS] City st1 [GOLD] 7 [MEDALS/OFFICERs] 10k+ officers [CRESTS] 330 doomflayers [INSIGNIAS] 2k+ royal insig [POCKETS] Melee Absorb [RAREs] GRYPHON 200/200 APPOTHECARY/BUTCHERING TONS OF MATERIALS IN BANK [SUBSCRIPTION ENDS] 24/03/2011 [ORIGINAL OWNER] 2nd owner with all info [KNOW CDKEY] NO [KNOW Secret Answer] YES [PRICE] starting at 350$ [PAYMENT METHOD] PAYPAL [SCREENSHOT] [ALTS] Alot of lowbies (r40s) only 1 worth mentioning: CRAFTBOT AM rr60+ with good gear. P.S: Just waiting for best offer - cause I really love this account - not in a haste to sell. Basically the toon is ready for pwn - just 1 RR missing for godmode." "WTS 81.75...
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