Queue # for Nitro Sniper.. Don't know what this is? It's a discord # that people can pay to get added to a nitro sniper, and pretty much free nitro! DM ME ON TELEGRAM OR DISCORD AND ILL INVITE YOU TO MY SERVER! This # does NOT include prohibited API! Does require a windows VPS to host the # (I can host it for you for an extra 15$) PRICE - 50$ (original price 300$) COMMANDS: /queue <@member> <amount> <token> | Add A Member To The Queue! /addclaims <@member> <amount> | Add x Amount Of Claims To User! /removeclaims <@member> <amount> | Remove x Amount Of Claims From User! /queueself <amount of credit> <token> | Allows Users To Add Them Self To The Queue(Only If They Have Enough Credits)! /addcredits <@member> <amount> | Add x Amount Of Credits To A Users Bank! /removecredits <@member> <amount> | Remove x Amount Of Credits From A Users Bank! /replacetoken <@member> <token> | To replace the token in the db (if member is first in queue do -forceupdate) /delete <@member> | Delete User From Queue! /check <token> | Check If Token Is Valid! /gettoken | Get Your Token By Discord QR Code! (100% Safe)! /stats | Check stats of the #! /update | Updates The Main Token In The Vps List! /screen | Checks If The Snipers Are Running! /restart | Restarts All The Snipers In The Vps List! /cashapp <amount> | Sends CashTag And Price! /paypal <amount> | Sends PayPal Link And Price! /ltc <amount> | Sends LiteCoin Wallet, Qr code and Price! /btc <amount> | Sends Bitcoin Wallet, Qr code and Price! /eth <amount> | Sends Ethereum Wallet, Qr code and Price! REQUIREMENTS: Windows VPS Linux VPS (for sniper only) Nitro sniper - I WILL PROVIDE WHERE TO GET IT FROM COSTS AROUND 15$ FILLED TOKENS - TOKENS THAT HAVE SERVERS ON THEM SO U CAN SNIPE i will also provide where to get them DISCORD - yew#7777 https://playerup.com/yewxd DO NOT PURCHASE ON THIS SITE! I WILL DECLINE! Includes logs as well