I am selling both my Shutterstock & Adobe Stock contributor accounts. About the shutterstock account Creation date: September 2022 Portfolio size: 1,448 images Rank: Level 4 (30% rev share) #Images sold: 516 Unclaimed profit available on the account: 100$ About the Adobe Stock account Creation date: September 2022 Portfolio size: 1,414 images #Images sold: 116 Unclaimed profit available on the account: 101$ Images descriptions are very well optimized with descripts >150 characaters & 25 to 50 keywords for every image. I am also offering a # of >3,500 images (including the 1,400 already uploaded on shutterstock & adobe stock). Images themes are: Fractal background Abstract patterns & textures Religious concept art & illustrations Demons & scary characters Cyberpunk background & characters Universe, space, energy Geometric & 3D shapes Fantasy creatures Animals Food & drinks Apocalypse & end of the world Golden world & gold objects Books, library & shelves Skyline, architecture & urban landscapes Maze Interiors Masks, skulls, crowns Alien Storm LGBTQ+