Sold MTG Arena Standard/Draft Account - 90.1 Standard Collection, 187 WC, 78.2 Vault, 3730 Gems

Discussion in 'Magic The Gathering Arena Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rezolyze, 11/5/22.

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  1. Rezolyze

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    I'm selling my MTG Arena account that I've played daily for a little over a year. Please look at the pictures for more details. I've already purchased the Welcome Bundle and the Adventurer Bundle for $20. I've bought and completed every Mastery Pass since Midnight Hunt.

    This would be a good account for anyone looking to be competitive in Standard or someone looking to earn gold for Draft. It could also be a good starting point for Explorer or Alchemy if you want to invest more time or money. Considering the time and money I've already invested, I think $60 USD is a fair asking price. I won't go any lower and will only accept payment through Middleman Services.

    Let me know if you have any questions and thanks for taking a look.

    Collection.png Mastery.png Lands.png Pets.png Avatars_1.png Avatars_2.png Sleeves_1.png Sleeves_2.png Sleeves_3.png Sleeves_4.png
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