One of the top account on the most competitive server 165 for sale. Total money spent – US $8,000 Total time spent – More than 2 500 hours Prestige Ranking – 4 (180 M) Alliance ranking – 1 Tower Ranking - 3 Arena Ranking – Top 5 Level 400 heroes – 16 (15 are 6* heroes) Total 6* heroes – 20 Top heroes of AOWE - Dragon (Blue), Romeo and Juliet (Green), Zeus & Poseidon (Green) and many other 6* and 5* heroes and lots of Iron Mask (4 and 5*). Red 6* gems – 20 – Highest level 96 Blue 6* gems – 19 - Highest level 54 Yellow 6* gems – 15 - Highest level 59 Set gear – Eliminate, Mechanic x 2 & Wind Runner Weapons & Clothes (Equipment) – All fully forged Almost all major research completed and many other valuable items in Inventors like big and small buffs. Reason I want to sell is that I do not have time to play the game these days, as you all know this game is very addictive and needs a lot of time. Please make a reasonable offer and if interested I can post screen shots as well.