Selling Ultimate founder pack, all heroes, almost every...

Discussion in 'Marvel Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by William Crawford, 9/27/14.

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  1. William Crawford

    William Crawford
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    Ultimate founder pack, all heroes, almost every costume, even chase on all characters. Most toons to 60, WELL over $1,000 invested, pretty much all items, blessings, Odin points, all stash, pretty much about everything. Each stash tab is full of items, even stuff that no longer drops, tons of buffs, I think over 1,000 eternity splinters, some maxed rolled artifacts, most relics at least around 700 or more, I'm not sure how many HoD and GotK, maybe 7 advanced Metas with 324+, uniques no longer in game, The Darkhold, all kinds of stuff. Just let me know your offer if interested.
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    William Crawford

    William Crawford
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    Ohhhhhhh and almost all the card costumes, and other hard to obtain costumes that cost $$$$$$$$ to obtain.
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    Shawn Michael

    Shawn Michael
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    did this sell?
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