Selling  1-9 Games  North America  PS4 GTA5 account for PS4 +WZ extras

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network Accounts | PSN Account - Buy & Sell' started by MissingKiid, 10/29/22.

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  1. MissingKiid

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    Selling an account with GTA5, you can gameshare it onto another account or use it as is if you don’t care about the username, it has close to 4mil in cash ready to spend and other exclusive items including modded outfit, lvl 100+ rank, a limited time Halloween vehicle and more.

    The original game on PSN is roughly $20 - $25 depending on region, possibly more. I’m only requesting $5, just want this account gone because I have another and it’s just sitting there unused.

    It also has a few Damascus skins on weapons coming with the account which are obtained using an unlock tool if you care about Warzone at all.

    Accepting PayPal and Bitcoin or if you have a trade offer.

    DM me on discord please as I’m not sure if I will check this forum often.
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