Aion Class: Gladiator Gear PVP : Complete Set General (Mythical Abyss)-(composite manaston) (AP set rank 1)+10 All Parts - (Full Mr 2400)-(Kunax Set Skin) (Full 4-star Accesory) Helm +1 x2 earrings +3 necklace +3 x2 rings +1 belt +0 Elite Principal's Divine Wing Feather <Kaisinel Plume: Attack> +5 Weapons: (Lethal Guardian Chief's polearm)+10 fusion with (Resplendent Glaive) - (composites) - (illussion Gold Silence) (Bastion Aggressor firm Polearm)+5 fusion with (Resplendent Glaive) - (composites) - (Blind Godstone) (Remodeled Danuar Spear)+5 Mr manaston - (Blind Godstone) Bow Danuar reliquary fusion with Blood Mark Gear PVE: Complete set - (Set Hyperion) - (Set Modor)+Helm+1 - (Set Bastion)+Helm - <Hyperion Wings> Pve Accesory: Hyperion Complete (x2 earrings x2 rings + necklace) Kunax Mythical Accesory: (x2 earrings x2 rings + necklace) Ceramiun Medal x730 Fragments x 1500 AP 7.5mill Major Blessed Augment: Level 2 (x10) in warehouse Major Deep Conditioning: Level 2 (x5) in warehouse Crafts: (Essencetapping-499) [email protected] ( Facebook. ) for more info Only Sell For Gift Card USD $ 400