Selling      Middleman Trade - FULLY MAXED Clash Royale Account - 2300 gems - 111 Emojis - 2 mil gold

Discussion in 'Clash Royale Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by FullyMaxed, 10/21/22.

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  1. FullyMaxed

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    New to this, but very happy for this to be processed as a middleman trade to give some reassurances, link above.

    I am selling my 6 year old Clash Royale account as I don't have much time to play it with my new job.

    Every single card is maxed including legendaries and champions.

    Also has over 100 emojis, over 2million gold, over 170,000 star points and over 2300 gems to spend on a name change if you want.

    WhatsApp Image 2022-10-21 at 18.32.26.jpg
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