Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by EasyOne, 10/17/22.

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  1. EasyOne

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    My Location:
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    17 Characters Epic Geared > of the 17, TEN Characters Sirocco Grad, 2 Characters > 1 more ozma Piece to Grad, other 4 with Ozma gears
    1,354 Cera and 5 Million Gold on Vault
    Spectre with LVL 3 Elven Pet, Rare Ava Amped gears (+10 on Shoes, Accessories and Sub equips +8, Other armors +7/+6) (Mythic Wargod on vault)

    Swift Master >> +12 Woodie Boogie, Rare Avatar with Gold Plats [windiness], Refined gears: +10 Earrings, +10 Necklace, +10 Head/shoulder armor, Amped gears: 2 Accesories +8, 2 Sub equips +8, +8 Top armor, +7 other armors
    Gain Chaotic Grudgem to Get Condensed CHaotic Grudge Box to finally Ozma Grad

    Kunoichi >>+12 Ruby Eye, Rare avatar with Gold emblems (crimson fire) , Spare Ozma pc on vault
    Lightbringer >> +12 Pandemonium Flame, +10 all 3 Sub equipments, Midnight Summer Title +6 Shadow dmg, With BIS Mytic Wargod, 500+ TGS in store, Exotica Belt on Vault is changable to any Epic Gear
    Female Crusader >> With BIS Enchants on Magic stone, and 2 accesories, +8 amp Mytic, +10 Refined earring and other sub equipment. Skill Set 2 is Open (Rocco set RODOS)
    Enchantress Fully Geared, Rocco Grad (Gatekeeper)
    Male Crusader Fully Geared Sirocco grad (NEX), Skill Set 2 OPEN
    LightBringer Rocco Grad (Rodos) , +11 Pandemonium Flame, +9 Refine Earring, +8 amp top, +6 amp head/shoulder
    Spitfire (F) Rocco Grad > Rodos, with BIS mythic Wargod
    Swift Master Rocco Grad (Rodos)
    LightBringer Rocco Grad (rodos)
    Dimension Walker Gatekeeper Rocco gears, just earn 120 more Petal Quartz For the Purged Box to Grad
    DragonKnight +8Refined Taiji Fully geared
    Swift Master Fully Geared Buy Purged Chaos Box on Ozma shop for Easier Rocco Build,
    [SIZE=3][B]30pcs Saturated Grudge Crystal Ready[/B][/SIZE]

    Chaos - Almost Fully Geared +8 Refined Caliburn
    30pcs Saturated Grudge Crystal Ready - Lvl 11 Enchanter Profession (You can do Beads anytime)
    Bloodmage Leg gears - Lvl 11 Alchemist Proffession
    1,354 Cera and 5 Million Gold on Vault

    Other Characters:
    LVL 100 Deimos
    Lvl 95 Glacial Master
    Lvl 90 Berserker
    Lvl 100 Swift master (leg geared)
    Lvl 100 Light bringer (leg gears)
    Easy1#3650 for more information

    Price is 250USD via Paypal FnF or Crypto

    #1 EasyOne, 10/17/22
    Last edited: 10/17/22
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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