Selling  Global  Linked  iOS  High End [GLOBAL] END GAME ACCOUNT | 307 RAN + 301 PEIRA W/O SHARING GEAR | W/ CPAVEL [FA]

Discussion in 'Epic Seven Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Epic7 Account' started by EPIC7771, 10/17/22.

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  1. EPIC7771

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    Global account
    Rank 70
    Type: Verified Stove Account (Cannot change nickname)
    This is my account from the day it was made. I will give you the Stove account access.

    Auto w13
    Potentially one shot any hunt (including w13) with Straze or traditional (Baiken/WSchuri/etc) means

    ✨Now with Commander Pavel, Edward Elric, and Roy Mustang!✨
    Build/awaken/imprint any hero you want to their max!
    Achieve 307speed Ran and 301speed Peira without sharing gear
    Destroy in PvP with 7000+ attack Hwayoung at 247 speed and maxed Uberius Tooth
    Craft endlessly with 450million gold. Nothing can stop you!

    Pull for any ✨new✨ hero with 1000+ Covenant Bookmarks


    SSS Hunt, Adventure, and lobby pet
    Full auto Normal/Hell Labyrinth
    Conquerer Lilias SSS imprint
    Peira S imprint
    Ran S Imprint
    Hwayoung B imprint
    Desert Jewel Basar B imprint
    Apocalypse Ravi, Lionheart Cermia, Mediator Kawerik, all ready to fight!
    2 Angel of Light Angelicas. Second guess your opponent for fun!
    Two Seaside Bellonas. One available for hunting, another for PvP
    With ✨nine✨ Unknown Slates, any hero can be SSS!
    AFK in Champion Arena for nice Skystones, or soar to ✨Legend 1✨ with the # of the season!
    140 skin tickets! Buy any skin you want! (I have FCC RTA's skin)
    Maid Chloe, Rimuru, Seaside Iseria, SSS imprint Wanderer Silk, Specter Tenebria, and Eda, all ready to fight with a bit of investment!

    If you want to get more information and see pictures contact me!


    GMAIL: [email protected]
    MOBILE: +1(406)800-8975

    DISCORD: waste#9171
    INSTAGRAM: wasteog93
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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