Selling Eladó APB Account CRIM, EU2, Férfi Neve: Vintorezz...

Discussion in 'All Points Bulletin Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Levente Balogh, 10/24/14.

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  1. Levente Balogh

    Levente Balogh
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    Eladó APB Account CRIM, EU2, Férfi Neve: Vintorezz Rank : 240+ Weaps: -ACT 44 "LastStand" -Lifetime -Colby M- 1992 Mk3 - Lifetime -Joker CR5 -Lifetime -Alig - Lifetime -Atac 242 "BodyGuard" -Lifetime -OCA NANO 'Connoisseur' -OCA EW 626 WHISPER PR1- Lifetime -NHVR 243-SD SCOUT PR1 - Lifetime -VAS R2 Sword NFCP3 -Lifetime -PDW 57 Stiletto -Lifetime Cars: -Patriot vegas g20 Thorcinator -Lifetime -Cisco "NewCross" -lifetime -New Gresty Nomad -Lifetime -Bishada Raiper Tipote -Lifetime -Patriot vegas g22 -Lifetime (with kits) -Charge Mikro mark IV -Lifetime (with kits) Cisco,Vegas,Mikro kits have got Premium Gears : -Skateboard Backpack -Headphones -Knee / Elbow pads -Cigar -High Top Skater shoes -Street RX Pants -Street RX Hood -Street RX Backpack -Street RX Hat -Animal suit -Animal head Symbols : -All symbol have got. Emotions : - Just URBAN dance don't have got. Many emotions have. Account : FIX Golden, 12G1credits, Male.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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