Hallo, i'm going to sell my account on Patriot EU2, i have a criminal at rank 195 that comes with: WEAPONS PERMANENT - ATAC Patroller - OCA-EW 626 Whisper PR2 - N-HVR 243 Scout PR1 - N-HVR 762 Dvah - Jocker CR5 - ACT 44 GM PR1 - S-AS PDW Hotfoot - JG-1040 Tactical CARS - Vegas 4x4 4slots - Packer Toreador 4 slots KIT - Hot Road Kit SKIN - High Tech CLOTHES - Backpack Skateboard - Tactical Elbowpads and Kneepads - Headphones - Hand Wrap ( Left and Right ) - Hockey Mask - High Top Boots UPGRADES - 2x Hunting Sight 3 - 1x Cooling Jacket 3 - 1x Improved Rifling 3 - 1x 3 Point Sling - 1x Magazine Pull 3 - 2x Mobile Spawn Point - 2x Nitro Booster 3 - 2x Fast-Fix Chassis 3 - 2x Fireproofing 3 - 1x Good Landing 3 - 1x Car Surfer - 1x Clotting Agent 3 - 1x Field Supplier I bought the KEY TO CITY PACK so i have all the clothes, the symbols and the other stuffs in this pack. PREMIUM -> i have to redeem 4 codes, each ones has 15 days of premium for a total of 2 months of premium. MONEY -> on my character i have 1.800.000 $ Contact me by email: [email protected] ( yeah i know that the name of email is like a graphics card D: )