Selling ArcheAge korean account Selling an F2P verified...

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Archeage Accounts - Buy and Sell, 1/7/14.

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  1. Archeage Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    ArcheAge korean account Selling an F2P verified korean ArcheAge account. It's mainly for people wanting to see the game before NA beta and release next year. Just like the stores selling AA accounts I cannot guarantee that the account will not get unverified (KSSN). I've played for 3 weeks and it's fine so far, no gametime (F2P!) in the account. There's a level 15 char in server 10 (Ollo). There's also a level 50 character on the PTS (test server), with multiple trees on max level and a few mid level, perfect to test the combat. Quest gear (nothing special), around 150 gold. Like I said it's for people just like me that want to see how the game is before coming to NA, but you are always under risk of getting unverified, so I can't help you. Some stores even scam people saying they can "re-verify" your account for a few dollars, with "no guarantees" but they're almost never able to fix it.
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  2. PlayerUp

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    [trigger=error]Trigger regex is invalid: help you[/trigger]
    [trigger=error]Trigger regex is invalid: scam people saying they can "re-verify" your account for a few dollars, with "no guarantees" but they're almost never able to fix it[/trigger]
    [trigger=by]For: Archeage Accounts - Buy and Sell Re: #1[/trigger]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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