Selling WTS Naima Nuia op set magnificent squall hero PM...

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Checho Arteaga, 3/18/15.

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  1. Checho Arteaga

    Checho Arteaga
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    WTS Naima Nuia op set magnificent squall hero PM offerst Set magnificent squall 6/7 hero 1/7 unique jerkins bow tier 3 unique shield tier 3 hero lute tier 2 arca Neclace Amethyst provent warrior rank 7 Cloack bounty hunter 6426 honor point 3400 vocation 91k fishing 56k commerce 25k husbandry 24k mining 33mosonry 11 gathering you have scroll: fish find longliner merchant schooner fsrm hauler weeled mortar desig tank 52 moonpoints 14 sunpointa 48 guildas 175 loyaltys 30 credits 23 days patron
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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