Selling Selling Archeum Founders Pack account EU Whats...

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kristian Knutsson, 6/9/15.

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  1. Kristian Knutsson

    Kristian Knutsson
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    Selling Archeum Founders Pack account EU Whats included - Lvl 51 Blighter & Lvl 30Alt, lack just a few levels on last skilltree and you have Archemaster so all classes are avaliable to play. Worth mentioning: Boats: Fishfind Longliner (Fishingboat) Harpoon Clipper Lutesong Junk (Galleon) Mounts: Farm Hauler (Heroic) Fleetpaw Bjorne (Bear mount) Cyanfin (watermount, dolphin) Pets: Captured Tarian Profiencies: Fishing: 90000 Husbandry: 90000 Metalwork: 66000 Alchemy/Gathering: 10000 Gear: Illustrious Quake plate armor 4/7 (Heroic) Corrupt Paladin 3/7 (Heroic) Hasla Weapon & Shield (Rare) My Farmhouse and 16x16 Scarecrowfarm just got demolished all materials are avaliable in mailbox, loads of crafting-materials, decorations, plushies. Currently 17days of patron left Price: Accepting offers above $70, CS-GO Skins (1:2), Accepting Payment through PayPal only.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. OP
    Daniel Klupper

    Daniel Klupper
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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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