Selling 220 Shade / 220 Doc / 200 Enfo / 60 Enfo / 39...

Discussion in 'Anarchy Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Anarchy Online Accounts - Buy and Sell, 1/14/14.

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  1. Anarchy Online Accounts - Buy and Sell

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    220 Shade / 220 Doc / 200 Enfo / 60 Enfo / 39 Trader ! 220/70/30 Shade Atrox : -ACDC -All Pande items (All zod items , Tnh Belts , Beast Weapons and all Armor ) -300ql Pen.Ofab shade Armor -Deciet of Xan + Mediblade Equiped -All Quests done (arid , Neretva etc...) -All Spirits ingame "alpha ofc " -Subspace Storage Device-Blood-Soaked Cloak of Dishonour -Slippers of Screaming -Upgraded Haab -HI Specs -Jahto's Armor -6k Tokens Shade also has alot of items to swap (PvM or PvP) 220/50+/20+ Doctor -2x Lust's also in backpack L+R Hand Pistols -alot of swap items (PvP or PvM) atm perked and geared for PVP -Missing just Arid Quest -All alphas on - Ear (quest) -Jahtos Armor Full Set ! -Pande Items ( also has full set Beast Armor ) + all TNH belts -Upgraded Haab -300ql Penu Doc Ofab Set -3000+ tokens -Has Points on 2 raidbots for a AcDc 200/50+/20+ Enforcer Geared atm : -300ql Combined Merc. Set - Helmet (But Helmet in Backpack) - Dread PAnther + 300ql Axe -Beast Star - Haab upgraded (Pen and Inferno) -Profesion Ring max for his lvl -Best Symbs in . -Ado Quest done ! -Pen Quest done ! -Some garden Keys. 60 Enfo is just for Totw and 39 Trader Got Jame Blaster on The account come with 1bilion Credits , 300ql Combined Commando Set , 300ql Combined Merc Set , SSD , SoS, SoW and alot of twinking items . There are alot of backpacks in Banks i dont even remember . I'm quitting Anarchy Online so im selling all i have on this Account. I'm the OO of the account , made by me and Payed by me ! Account is Open untill 25 Januar 2014.So it has some time to play. Not a single toon was merged or something like that.
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    Jeffrey Alan Reed

    Jeffrey Alan Reed
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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  3. OP
    Alessio Pilo

    Alessio Pilo
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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    Hi, price?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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