Selling BEAST RG 31+ 3rd Inner| BEST CLAW IN GAME| Speed...

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy and Sell, 8/11/13.

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  1. Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    BEAST RG 31+ 3rd Inner| BEST CLAW IN GAME| Speed Up W/o a Trace|7COMPLETED skillsets This is the account I have, it's 31 3RD inner atm with 2 Ding same stuffs., not sure if I'm going to sell but would like to get some offers. Quote Originally Posted by soundtribe View Post Ok. This is my MAIN account with many details and goodies. I'm quitting the game for good and have been unloading my accounts. This is a Royal Gaurd on Blue Dragon Server He has the best claw in the entire game right now, no one has better or even equal! Truesilver (tier 2 silver) Claw with 20% dmg on Scent of Bloodshed (spin move) plus 10% annotation book giving him 30% extra damage on the spin. he can ONE SHOT, yes 1 spin and i can kill anyone lower level than Max level. Anyone higher than Max level will die in 2 shots. 3 for the pro chars. GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK!!!!! He has about 200 unbuffed Brawn! IF played correctly this RG is a BEAST! The claw has a damage range of 16-29, where as Jade claws are only 15-27 and Gold only 13-22. THE ONLY WAY a better claw can be made is if it's truesilver with the same stats or a JADE with 30% on spin which NONE are in the game so far. Making my claw the strongest (better than RG elders and headmasters, i promise!) Every SINGLE piece of gear has Brawn on it and some are best in slot. He has every single Flying skill in the game atm (minus Gecko + water clicking jump. both are useless but sell for cheap) SPEED UP WITHOUT A TRACE COST ME 18 DING! Lets you run at 200% speed (with RG 3rd inner buff) This RG has 10 FULLY COMPLETED skillsets! (All these skillsets are at max level or close) -Long-Style Boxing (Shaolin Fist - best 1v1 melee set for pvp) -Lotus Palm (Beggar PVP Fist set) -Demon Heart Chain Hand (uncomplete) -Mantis First (uncomplete) -YanYang Blade (99G cashshop set) -Wind-Chasing Blade (WV dual sword) -Perish Blade (WV dual daggers, best PVE set for bosses ingame) -Bhodidharma Staff (Shaolin staff set, best PVE for AoW plus amazing for guild wars) -Crying Stick (Beggar drunken staff set) -Golden Snake Sting (Tangmen PVP dagger set- only have the rage + charge. 2 most expensive/useful skills though) Plus many single expensive skills such as: -Gold Dart (movement debuff dart) -Trick the Enemy (knockdown/stun breaker) -Rhino Watches the Moon (energy parry) -Soul with Moving Threads (speed buff parry) RG sets at max level, RG claw spin at level 7 for MASSIVE DAMAGE! (Each hit ticks for 175+) Also has Shaolin, Emei, Tangmen 1st Inners for extra meridian stats! Has full Silver 54+70def gear ALL with high amount of brawn (best +dmg stat for RG) has a GOLD brawn necklace as well. 2 other UNBOUND gold necklaces in bags (worth 5~D) plus many many items/scripts if all sold equaling 10-15D! Lots of mats in bags/bank for selling as well. 10 Page 1 scripts in bags, about 7 page 2s, some inners 1-9, some poison workshops and expensive mats for sale too. Has a good weapon for each set: +4dmg Single Blade +2 Dmg 20% on 2 best skills DUAL swords +20% spin claw (best in game) 3rd inner MAX level: 34, has half the books needed to get to 36 (including a page 5) will probably be max level 36 and level 31+ on 3rd inner by the time I sell (leveling up as we speak!) Almost 2million cultivation sitting on, will be max 3rd inner VERY soon. Also VIP until the end of the month!Also comes with 8.5 Speed VIP Horse (Fanyu) plus full set of VIP gear! I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot of stuff but please just contact me with ANY questions or for more info! I AM ONLY SELLING THIS ACCOUNT! I DOUBT I WILL TRADE FOR ANYTHING!!! You MUST have more rep than me or prepare to go FIRST!!! Will use an MM if requested. Paypal for repped people ONLY, otherwise Western Union! I will not be scammed so don't even try. CONTACT ME!!! PM ME OR POST HERE FIRST THEN ADD ME ON SKYPE! skype: Bladeboost - - - Updated - - - Oh yeah, I'm only accepting paypal at the moment. Please PM or add my skype, also the max level atm is 35 not 34.. I wasn't able to edit it.
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    Fidel Turcaz Leon

    Fidel Turcaz Leon
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    I would love to buy this acount
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    Tran Huu Duy Anh

    Tran Huu Duy Anh
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    :)) my chart is better than you :))
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    David Astridge

    David Astridge
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    Contact me with a price...thanks
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