Selling MW Top Account Lv. 383 15 Immortal many more VIP 9...

Discussion in 'Monster Warlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Yvonne Runkel, 11/15/15.

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  1. Yvonne Runkel

    Yvonne Runkel
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    MW Top Account Lv. 383 15 Immortal many more VIP 9 $300 - Köln City OFFER-BASED!! Tell me what you would pay for it! I'm selling my first and only MW Account, I was playing over two years. It currently has 15 Immortals, among a Plus Set (earth excluded) and many Divine, Eternal, Mystic. Many Collections just need one more Mon to finish, many Void/Celestial Eggs from Collections left to claim. It's VIP 9 Status, because I bought some VIP packages, one of them still running 17 days from today on. There are no more Eggs in the Inventory, but I kept all the Monsters needed for Collections from opening them. I will continue to play this Account until its sold, so Stats can change, I'm building more Stamina. Current Stats are 100/390/701 Many many hours went into this Account, it has a lot of potential. For further Screenshots or Questions, either shoot me a mail over here or via LINE messenger: kiwi-bird-line Thanks!
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