selling a solid PSN account/destiny account, also has DCUO account ta boot. 3 characters all year one exotic weps except for the dregs promise, nechro, and 1 other i cant put my finger on, titan and hunter are very well geared, the hunter has the KINGS FALL legs, and body. titan has yet to raid completed main story same with hunter except for maybe a few side quests, warlock is still year 1 untouched, been flawless, have 3 months left of PSN PLUS, can sho wpics and much more if your interested or can give more details as im sure ive forgotten quite a bit. destiny year one emblem, the account also comes with GTA 5. send me a PM if you are interested, GL AND THANKS.
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300.00$ or 250.00$ for a 301 Hunter / 294 Titan? It would take about 40 hours of gameplay to get to that point. 40 Hours =/= 250+? I'm selling an account with 4,000+ Hours for 225 and another with 3,000+ Hours for 175. You're overvaluing yourself wayyy too much.