Looking to sell my MCOC account. Been a great game, but I need to focus on other things (wife, family, career, etc). Profile details: 100K Rating 101 Heroes All current maps, including Act 4, Chapter 1, fully explored. Level 52 Summoner 18 4-Star Champions, including Superior Iron Man, Colossus, Daredevil and Iron Patriot to Rank 4. Also includes awakened 4-Star Captain Marvel, Storm and Winter Soldier. 43 3-Stars, including 17 maxed heroes. All but 7 are awakened. 34 2-Stars, 6 maxed. All, minus Guillotine, are awakened multiple times. Currently in 2.23M rated alliance. Purchase will include position in alliance, but future affiliation will depend on your performance. For $200, I will include 2,500 units PLUS a 4-star shard crystal.
Hi bro can I add you on facebook lets talk there im interested tnx. Ricardo Lorenzo Magno or send me your name
Sorry, I guess it's not completely ubiquitous. If you're serious about the account, you can email me.
I would have not commented on you're post if im not interested. I just want us to have a conversation on facebook for security reasons. Well as a buyer I have a right to demand. Just sayin'