Selling  1-60 Minutes AJ CLASSIC - LPHD BUNDLE

Discussion in 'Animal Jam Items - Buy Sell Trade' started by VerryBerry, 10/6/22.

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  1. VerryBerry

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    Selling lphd bundle for animal jam classic

    I no longer play animal jam so my items are just sitting in my inventory, its time to get rid of it!
    I will not break the bundle or sell the items separately since its all gotta go!
    Discord: ~SEA~#6469

    Bundle includes:
    - LPHD
    - Pink long spike
    - Pink long spike wrist
    - Pink glossy cupid wings
    - Pink beta elf tail
    + Other spikes i no longer use / beta elf tails

    Price: looking for $275-$300

    Proof details: i am the og owner of the account, i have proof and can even meet you in game (ONLY FOR BUYERS) i will not be meeting in game for faulty buyers to protect my accounts identity, thank you.

    Payment: Preferably Paypal
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