Sold Level 90 Male Ogre Berserker on Najena - Evil Main...

Discussion in 'EverQuest 2 Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ2 Account' started by EQ2 Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/22/13.

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  1. EQ2 Accounts - Buy and Sell

    EQ2 Accounts - Buy and Sell
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    Level 90 Male Ogre Berserker on Najena - Evil Main Characters AA Points: 110 Total Estimated Worth Of Items For Gold: 0 Describe Main Characters Tradeskills: Describe Main Characters Houses: Describe Main Characters Rewards: Describe Main Characters Professions: Main Characters EQ2 Players Station Profile: Did You Provide EQ2 Players Station Profile Link: No Main Characters Equipment: 1 - Stripped, No Gear Describe All Characters Equipment: Select the number of alts over Level 40: Latest Expansion Enabled: SF This is a toon i created on a RaF account so it has no Gear. I would Say 98% of game is yet to be explored. Total Platinum 0 Level 80 Male Ratonga Swashbuckler on Nagafen - Evil Main Characters AA Points: 180 Total Estimated Worth Of Items For Gold: 50 Describe Main Characters Tradeskills: none Describe Main Characters Houses: normal Describe Main Characters Rewards: 6 year Describe Main Characters Professions: Main Characters EQ2 Players Station Profile: Did You Provide EQ2 Players Station Profile Link: No Main Characters Equipment: 4 - Good Gear, Average to Good Gear Describe All Characters Equipment: Characters Server: Nagafen - Evil Characters Level: 70 Characters Class: ranger levl 80 List Characters Equipment: good equipment with MYTH Characters Server: Nagafen - Evil Characters Level: 70 Characters Class: templar levl 80 List Characters Equipment: good eqiupment with MYTH Characters Server: Nagafen - Evil Characters Level: 70 Characters Class: warden levl 80 List Characters Equipment: good equipment with MYTH Characters Server: Nagafen - Evil Characters Level: 70 Characters Class: brusier levl 74 List Characters Equipment: ok equipment Select the number of alts over Level 40: Alternative Character Server: Nagafen - Evil Alternative Character Level: 80 Alternative Character Class: Ranger List Characters Professions: has MYTH Alternative Character Server: Nagafen - Evil Alternative Character Level: 80 Alternative Character...
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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