As you can see on images total days played 2486, SHIELD rank 193, ISO8 2303377, RED ISO 1043, HP 10310, CP 239 Total characters 336 5* Characters 74, 23 champions, 5 characters almost champions, 46 characters on the way to champ 4* Characters 131, 127 champions, 1 maxed champion, 2 characters almost champion (last release), 1 farming character 3* Characters 95, 47 maxed champions, 47 farming characters, 1 character on the way to champ (last release) 2* Characters 28, 14 maxed champions, 14 farming characters 1* Characters 8, 8 maxed level characters Supports 48/54, 2 level 250, 10 level 200, 26 level 150, 10 level 100 Only accept BUSD or USDT My email address: [email protected]